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Week 4 : Learn more about what is Partner Yoga ?

Welcome to this first article Theoretical about Partner yoga !

If you are reading these lines, you probably already have tried this practice with or without us. To start your first sequence, download our free tracker here : Week 4: Build a Partner Yoga stretching habit . You can even follow our little 3 months Stretching challenge if you feel like it !

You have probably already heard of Vinyasa Yoga, Yin Yoga, Hatha, Acro-Yoga, but have you ever heard of Partner Yoga?

In this article, we are going to do a very short introduction to this discipline.

Short introduction to partner yoga :

In Sanskrit* (the international language of yoga, older than Latin and Greek) Partner Yoga means “union“.

The beauty of Partner Yoga is that it literally fits into this definition.

Partner what? Partner-yoga!

This practice aims to unite two (or more) people of the same or the other sex and strengthen the trust and communication that one has with himself and with the other.

Partner yoga is a practice for two or more people. A partner yoga session deepens the impact and experience of an individual yoga practice.

What? but how?

What exactly is Partner Yoga?

This type of yoga stretches the muscles using the weight and resistance of the other person’s body. This practice can also be used to develop strong personal relationships and intimacies.

In the practice of yoga as a couple, there is a fundamental element that makes this discipline unique.

This element is not found in other yogic disciplines.

any ideas?



This is the TOUCH

The use of traction, leverage and kinesthetic awareness stems from that wonderful sense of touch. Beautiful, right?

This discipline is new to us, but it has actually been around for a long time (before JC and beyond, if we believe the ancient texts).

The main tool of this yoga for two according to the philosophy of “Partner Yoga” is the relationship. A tool that awakens us to our true nature.

But beware, little padawan, Partner Yoga has never been designed to replace your personal yoga practice.

For us, it is a good complement, a great tool to start with yoga. Very playful and childish, perfect for when you’re a bit lazy to do a solo session.

The main purpose is to have fun on the mat

Acro-Wine Team

Are you ready to try it now?

Have we convinced you?

Feel free to contact us if you want to get your first tips for beginners !

Sanskrit*: Indo-European language. It is the official language of yoga, since the first work on the subject ”Yoga Sutra” was written by Patanjali in this same language.

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